NPI Numbers for Massage Therapists

Written by Researchbite | Updated on: February 18, 2023

NPI Numbers for Massage Therapists

The NPI will be your personal, standard, and unalterable identification number as a healthcare practitioner.


The National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) and the development of standard unique identities for health plans were all required under the Administrative Simplification Provisions of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). The efficacy and efficiency of the electronic transfer of medical data will be improved by these regulations. It is now possible to use this new number, which will take the place of all previous provider identifiers. Those not considered "covered entities" are not required to have this number. However, if any needed spaces are left unfilled on the claim form, the insurance company may use this as justification for refusing or delaying payment of the claim. Your claim can be delayed by additional 30 days or longer.

What’s an NPI?

A unique identifying number given to healthcare professionals by the federal government is called an NPI (short for National Provider Identifier). It must appear on all administrative and financial records linked to HIPAA, including insurance claims. Individual healthcare practitioners, as well as more extensive practices and organizations, may be awarded NPIs. An NPI is necessary for insurance claims, including those paid by Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurance plans. You may apply for one as a solo massage therapist or your business if you've established an LLC or other legal organization for your massage practice. This means that if you are a massage therapist without your own National Provider Identifier Number, insurance companies will not pay for massages ordered on a medical basis. On the other hand, if you have an NPI, you can book more massage appointments and work shifts.

Who is A Massage Therapist?

A person skilled in manipulating tissues with their hands or an instrument for therapeutic or sanitary purposes (such as via rubbing, caressing, kneading, or tapping). Massage therapists work on the muscles of the body and other soft tissues of the body while treating their clients. With their touch, therapists assist patients in relaxing more, reducing stress, healing injuries, enhancing circulation, and relieving pain. They also contribute to their overall health. Massage therapists can work in various places, including spas, chain clinics, doctors' offices, hotels, and fitness facilities. In addition, some massage therapists may call or visit customers' workplaces to provide massages.

Why Is An NPI As A massage Therapist Important?

The NPI serves as your official identity in health-related transactions, including those covered by Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurance plans. When a patient's insurance covers therapy, you can obtain reimbursement from insurance companies. As more insurance plans start to pay for a massage as a therapy for various ailments, from chronic pain to mental illness, this includes massage more and more. You could require an NPI even if you don't bill clients directly but collaborate with businesses that do file HIPAA-covered claims. There are also several appointments with Zeel in there. Since 2007, massage therapists have had the option of getting an NPI. Among the healthcare professionals who must register for NPI numbers are physicians, dentists, and physical therapists.

Getting an NPI doesn't:

  • A health insurance company or plan's promise of payment
  • Substitute for other certifications or licenses
  • Sign you up for a health plan. The acquisition of an NPI does not:
  • A health insurance company or plan's promise of payment
  • Substitute for other certifications or licenses
  • Sign you up for a health plan

Who Needs An NPI?

All healthcare professionals who are HIPAA-covered entities, In case they work for a hospital, home health agency, clinic, nursing home, residential treatment center, laboratory, ambulance service, or group practice. Health Maintenance Organizations [HMOs], suppliers of durable medical equipment, or pharmacies are required to obtain an NPI. Such professionals include doctors, nurses, dentists, chiropractors, physical therapists, and pharmacists. Health plans, clearinghouses, and specific healthcare providers are just a few examples of HIPAA-covered businesses that will utilize the NPI to identify healthcare providers in HIPAA standard transactions. In addition, any healthcare provider who transmits health information electronically in connection with a transaction for which the Secretary of Health and Human Services has developed a standard is considered a covered healthcare provider under HIPAA, even if the provider utilizes a business associate to do so.

How Long Does It Take To Acquire An NPI?

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), the organization that issues NPIs, predicts that a correctly filed application will result in the issuance of an NPI to the applicant in roughly ten business days. However, this is the advice offered by the CMS; massage therapists who have lately applied for the NPI claim to obtain it in as little as one business day. You may check for the NPI online after applying; When it is issued, the CMS does not notify you through email.

How to Submit an Application for a Massage Therapist License

The law compels you to provide your Social Security Number to apply for a professional or occupational license. RCW 26.23.150 and 42 U.S.C. 666(a)(13). It will be used to find people as part of the state's child support enforcement program to verify paternity and create, adjust, and enforce support obligations. To apply for or get a license from the Department of Health, you need not possess or receive a Social Security Number. If you match the qualifications, you can still apply for and get a credential even if you don't have a Social Security number. The Declaration of No Social Security Number Forms enforcing responsibilities for support. To apply for or get a license from the Department of Health, you need not possess or receive a Social Security Number. If you match the qualifications, you can still apply for and get a credential even if you don't have a Social Security number.

Checklist for Application Instructions

Crucial background investigation Information: Under Washington State law, the Department of Health can acquire background checks based on fingerprints for licensing reasons. This could be necessary if you've resided in another state or have a criminal history in Washington State. You would have to pay for this yourself. All text must be legibly written in blue or black ink. You are in charge of submitting the necessary paperwork in a suitable format.

  • Fee for applications. This payment is not transferable. Current prices are listed on the online fee page.
  • Choose One: Transfer or Examination Choose whether any of the following situations apply: Military personnel's spouse or registered domestic partner.

Demographic Data

  • Social Security Number: Your social security number must be listed on your application. To apply for or get a license from the Department of Health, you need not possess or receive a Social Security Number. This link will take you to the Declaration of No Social Security Number Form. Call the customer service line, please.
  • The National Provider Identity (NPI) is a standard, distinctive identifier for medical practitioners offered by the Federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
  • Your full name should be listed first, middle, and last.
  • The name that appears on your official birth certificate is referred to as your legal name, on an official marriage certificate, or on order from a court if your name has changed since birth. To alter your name, the court must have legal power. Therefore, we would like documentation proving your legal name. Your application might be rejected if you fill out this form using a name other than your legal name.
  • Date of birth: Indicate your birth month, day, and year.

Questions About Personal Data

  • Each application must answer identical personal data questions. They are concerned with how well you can perform the necessary professional abilities.
  • If "yes" is your response to any of the questions in this section, you must give an adequate justification. In addition, the supporting materials noted in the remark after the question must also be submitted. For your application to be taken into consideration, you must submit this.
  • Misdemeanors, high misdemeanors, and felonies are all included in question 5. You do not need to say yes if you have received a traffic citation. The county courthouse where the verdict, plea, deferred sentence, or suspended punishment was entered is where you may get copies of the court documents.
  • Please send a certified copy of each certificate if you have received one or more certificates of opportunity restoration.
  • Any other nation, state, federal territory, or military power is referred to as another jurisdiction.

Other certification, license, or registration

Include Washington in all states where credentials are or have been held. If you need extra room, add more finished pages. You must also print the Verification Form and give it to each state or jurisdiction you've named, asking them to complete it and send it directly to the Department of Health.

Professional Education

Your educational background and post-graduate training should be included in date order, from most recent to later. Then, if you need extra room, add more finished pages.

Professional Experience

List all professional experience and practice starting from the date of professional college graduation in date order, from most recent to later. If you want extra room, attach more pages.

Examining Information

You are regarded as having fulfilled the examination requirement if you have taken the FSMTB or NCBTMB test. However, you must send the department formal confirmation of your examination.

Attestation of the Applicant

For us to complete the application, you must sign and date this.


A massage therapist NPI application may be made online quickly and easily. Using or obtaining an NPI as a massage therapist or healthcare professional is free. However, as a massage therapist, you are not qualified for insurance companies to pay for massages ordered for medical reasons. On the other side, if you have an NPI, you may book more massage treatments and work shifts.



Frequently Asked Questions

What is the most crucial piece of advice for a client after a massage?

  • Massages can also dehydrate you. They often take place in a pleasant, warm setting, with your massage therapist actively helping your soft tissues to evacuate water. So the best thing to do after a massage is to drink plenty of water to rehydrate yourself.

What is the massage therapist's primary concern?

  • The most significant aspect of being a massage therapist is proper training. Massage therapy programs are available at vocational institutions for students to receive training and master the techniques of each massage style.

Why Is Correct Massage Therapy Insurance Billing Important?

  • Maintaining a clean claim rate of 95% or above for your massage therapy practice guarantees that your entire practice runs smoothly. Accurate billing results from using appropriate codes and filing claims on time, which means you'll get reimbursed by insurance companies quickly, and your revenue cycle won't be disrupted too much. Overall, accurate insurance billing can have a financial impact on your practice.

Is Massage Therapy Covered by Medical Insurance?

  • Because not all insurance companies cover massage treatment, you cannot be certain that your patient's insurance will compensate you. Make sure to discuss pricing and payment expectations with your consumer during your initial phone conversation. Getting everything in order before their first visit makes sense to avoid time-consuming problems later on. Make sure to check with your client to see if massage treatment is covered by their insurance and plan. If it is, they should see if the message is covered by a massage therapist. Some insurance plans require massage to be administered by a physical therapist.

How much does a massage therapist's NPI cost?

  • It costs nothing to apply for or obtain an NPI number as a massage therapist or other healthcare practitioner.

Do I need a new NPI if I relocate or change areas of practice?

  • No. You keep the same NPI regardless of where or by whom you work. You do not need to obtain another NPI if you currently have one. If your business or mailing address changes after you receive an NPI, you must update it in your NPPES account.


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