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Top Journals in Optometry

Check out the list of top journals in Optometry. The list is ordered and ranked by Scopus Ranking. The category Optometry falls under the area[s] Health Professions. Submit your paper to a high-impact score journal and create the impact of your next piece of research.

Note: The impact score shown here is equivalent to the average number of times documents published in a journal/conference in the past two years have been cited in the current year (i.e., Cites / Doc. (2 years)). It is based on Scopus data and can be a little higher or different compared to the impact factor (IF) produced by Journal Citation Report. Please refer to the Web of Science data source to check the exact journal impact factor ™ (Thomson Reuters) metric.

1. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics

Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics is a journal published by Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd. This journal covers the area[s] related to Ophthalmology, Optometry, Sensory Systems, etc. The rank of this journal is 4374. This journal's impact score, h-index, and SJR are as follows: 2.92, 77, and 0.976. The ISSN of this journal is/are as follows: 02755408, 14751313.

Impact Score: 2.92 h-Index: 77 SJR: 0.976 Overall Ranking: 4374

2. Contact Lens and Anterior Eye

Contact Lens and Anterior Eye is a journal published by Elsevier. This journal covers the area[s] related to Medicine (miscellaneous), Ophthalmology, Optometry, etc. The rank of this journal is 4404. This journal's impact score, h-index, and SJR are as follows: 3.09, 59, and 0.972. The ISSN of this journal is/are as follows: 14765411, 13670484.

Impact Score: 3.09 h-Index: 59 SJR: 0.972 Overall Ranking: 4404

3. Clinical and Experimental Optometry

Clinical and Experimental Optometry is a journal published by Taylor and Francis Ltd.. This journal covers the area[s] related to Optometry, Ophthalmology, etc. The rank of this journal is 6706. This journal's impact score, h-index, and SJR are as follows: 1.88, 62, and 0.733. The ISSN of this journal is/are as follows: 14440938, 08164622.

Impact Score: 1.88 h-Index: 62 SJR: 0.733 Overall Ranking: 6706

4. Journal of Optometry

Journal of Optometry is a journal published by Spanish Council of Optometry. This journal covers the area[s] related to Optometry, etc. The rank of this journal is 9031. This journal's impact score, h-index, and SJR are as follows: 2.50, 32, and 0.573. The ISSN of this journal is/are as follows: 19891342, 18884296.

Impact Score: 2.50 h-Index: 32 SJR: 0.573 Overall Ranking: 9031

5. Optometry and Vision Science

Optometry and Vision Science is a journal published by Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd.. This journal covers the area[s] related to Ophthalmology, Optometry, etc. The rank of this journal is 9501. This journal's impact score, h-index, and SJR are as follows: 1.27, 108, and 0.545. The ISSN of this journal is/are as follows: 15389235, 10405488.

Impact Score: 1.27 h-Index: 108 SJR: 0.545 Overall Ranking: 9501

6. Vision (Switzerland)

Vision (Switzerland) is a journal published by MDPI AG. This journal covers the area[s] related to Ophthalmology, Optometry, Cognitive Neuroscience, Sensory Systems, Cell Biology, etc. The rank of this journal is 10675. This journal's impact score, h-index, and SJR are as follows: 1.32, 13, and 0.482. The ISSN of this journal is/are as follows: 24115150.

Impact Score: 1.32 h-Index: 13 SJR: 0.482 Overall Ranking: 10675

7. Expert Review of Ophthalmology

Expert Review of Ophthalmology is a journal published by Taylor and Francis Ltd.. This journal covers the area[s] related to Biomedical Engineering, Ophthalmology, Optometry, etc. The rank of this journal is 13135. This journal's impact score, h-index, and SJR are as follows: 0.80, 28, and 0.372. The ISSN of this journal is/are as follows: 17469899.

Impact Score: 0.80 h-Index: 28 SJR: 0.372 Overall Ranking: 13135

8. British and Irish Orthoptic Journal

British and Irish Orthoptic Journal is a journal published by . This journal covers the area[s] related to Ophthalmology, Optometry, etc. The rank of this journal is 15563. This journal's impact score, h-index, and SJR are as follows: 0.83, 3, and 0.286. The ISSN of this journal is/are as follows: 25163590, 17439868.

Impact Score: 0.83 h-Index: 3 SJR: 0.286 Overall Ranking: 15563

9. Medical Hypothesis, Discovery, and Innovation in Ophthalmology

Medical Hypothesis, Discovery, and Innovation in Ophthalmology is a journal published by International Virtual Ophthalmic Research Center. This journal covers the area[s] related to Ophthalmology, Optometry, etc. The rank of this journal is 15697. This journal's impact score, h-index, and SJR are as follows: 0.90, 7, and 0.283. The ISSN of this journal is/are as follows: 23224436, 23223219.

Impact Score: 0.90 h-Index: 7 SJR: 0.283 Overall Ranking: 15697

10. African Vision and Eye Health

African Vision and Eye Health is a journal published by AOSIS (Pty) Ltd. This journal covers the area[s] related to Ophthalmology, Optometry, etc. The rank of this journal is 16939. This journal's impact score, h-index, and SJR are as follows: 0.57, 9, and 0.248. The ISSN of this journal is/are as follows: 24101516, 24133183.

Impact Score: 0.57 h-Index: 9 SJR: 0.248 Overall Ranking: 16939

11. Australasian journal of optometry, The

Australasian journal of optometry, The is a journal published by Optometrists Association Australia. This journal covers the area[s] related to Medicine (miscellaneous), Ophthalmology, Optometry, etc. The rank of this journal is 23247. This journal's impact score, h-index, and SJR are as follows: 0.00, 1, and 0.131. The ISSN of this journal is/are as follows: 0817881X.

Impact Score: 0.00 h-Index: 1 SJR: 0.131 Overall Ranking: 23247

12. Advances in Ophthalmology and Optometry

Advances in Ophthalmology and Optometry is a journal published by Elsevier Inc.. This journal covers the area[s] related to Ophthalmology, Optometry, etc. The rank of this journal is 23425. This journal's impact score, h-index, and SJR are as follows: 0.40, 5, and 0.130. The ISSN of this journal is/are as follows: 24521760.

Impact Score: 0.40 h-Index: 5 SJR: 0.130 Overall Ranking: 23425


When you are writing a research paper or an academic thesis in the field of Optometry, it is essential to mention and cite the research paper from a high-ranked journal because it demonstrates your credibility and reliability.

Moreover, submit your research findings, whether theoretical or practical, to a highly ranked journal to show the worthiness of your research paper.

For all these purposes, here we present the list of Top 5, 10, 20, and 100 Journals in Optometry so that you can make a wise decision. >